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måndag 25 maj 2009

Klassiker: Ali G x The NBA

Den här sammanställningen av Ali G när han intervjuar NBA-people är hi-fucking-larious!
Så klockrent i det sista klippet när han snackar med NBA-veteranen Steve Kerr om the playoffs:
Ali G: So check it! How many games is there in the playoffs on TMT?
Steve: Aahh.. Well, it's TNT.
Ali G: Whatever
Steve: We have 40 games in 40 nights!
Ali G: 40 games in 40 nights? It's like that bible-story, innit, with that shit full of animals driven by that old woman?
Steve: Noah?
Ali G: Of course I don't know her. She's been dead for over a hundred years...
Steve Kerr's blick är priceless!

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